Television shows can influence people's behavior dramatically. Its attractive characters personalities are role models for many of the people who watch these series, it feels identified with them, and behave like them.
I can say that I happened to me. A few years ago when I was 14 or 15 years, was a fan of a series called Rebel, and one of his characters greatly influenced my teenage years, so much so I took up certain physical and psychological.
A people like the television series because it is a means of entertainment and escape the routine. People who see these series, they find it an entertainment in the monotony of their daily lives.
But just as there are people who see many of these series, there are others who do not like, because they think they are a waste of time because they represent reality, but they are fake stories, and sometimes without content.
actually have not seen many TV series, and I have now that is my favorite. But yes, a year ago saw a series called One Tree Hill, which was aired on SONY TV, once a week.
What I like about One Tree Hill, is that it was a story of long duration, high school starts in a U.S. city, and ends, after many seasons, with characters being parents and working.One Tree Hill, is a series "light"of love and hate, sport and friendship.
A waste of time?, for me, was a hobby that once a week, enjoyed a lot.